Countdown: 133 Days

Neil Kamphaus - Play Profile


Neil Kamphaus - Play Profile

Neil Kamphaus

USGA Handicap
: 20
Baneberry Handicap : 20
Only the second man in the history of Baneberry to have a Rule named for him "The Stupid Fuckin Neil Rule". Neil has incurred the stiffest of penalties from the commisioner (his ass is still sore).

There is a little know fact that Neil moved to the Hunters Run area to increase his hanidcap. He now mows Pauls grass and calls him "Massa". Nice try Neil. It is beleived that Doug Forg did something back doorish - note the nickname - to Mr Kamphaus at the 03 debacle. For the final 3 days of the debacle Neil referred to Doug as "That Evil Man".

Prior to 03 Neil would bring extra deodorant and toothpaste each year because he sleeps in the same bed, I mean room.

Neil, known to periodically scream YATZEE from the shitter, could be a sleeper this year except when you consider his torn acl, screaming hemeroids and overall shitty golf game. His downfall will be Peach Schnapps beginning at 12:00 on Saturday. If paired with outta Burns they are sure to be the Champions.

By the way for anyone who has not heard Neil is the dick that initiated the Shawn Thompson look alike contest. I think he just likes to wear other guys clothes.